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The Dives

Still a wonderful walk in the Galapagos Island, with the "Selimas" school. I must say that I’ve got very happy memories of the dives with the selimas.

The very compact school gives this impression of weightlessness, especially when you get underneath. One can see that it’s pretty easy to get near the fishes, as well as getting into the school, when it closes around you. According to the guide, there are bigger selimas school in Galapagos !!

 Nice effects from the Sea Lion releasing the bubbles! It’s said that it’s for imitating the divers, but I’m not sure about that!

The second time we encountered the Selimas, they were not as compact as the first time, but rather parallel to the reef. Still, the density was big, because when I managed to get into the school, the light was around 80% down. It may not be very clear on the screen, but once in the school, I had to turn my light on, it was too dark.

The Eagle Ray in the film was at the edge of the reef, in a stronger current. I had no reference, in term of size, but it was pretty large, 1.5m/2m width.

In this area, it’s a lot of fun diving with the Sea Lions. One can see that they’re very cool and curious, although not as playful as the Sea of Cortez Sea Lions. Except during night dives, it’s not possible to touch them. You won’t have Sea Lions in Darwin and Wolfe, so enjoy !

The Editing